Cool & Amazing | Gaming table lamp, to create the ultimate game atmosphere

16 million Magic colorful lights

In the world of Gaming , every battle needs a perfect atmosphere. Gaming table along the lamp RGB Digital lights, is the

magic light that lights up the passion. Sixteen Million colors, as vast as the Sea of stars. High purity of color, as if to

penetrate the dark, direct hit the soul. The color transition is natural, just like the dream scroll slowly unfolds in front of

us. When you start the game tour, the lights will beat with the rhythm of the game. It is not only a light, but also a partner

to fight with you, and you immerse in the intense game world.

Music Rhythm, sound and light synchronization

When the loud music sounded, the lamp on the edge of the table seemed to be given life, jumping and flashing with the

rhythm. Each note is transformed into a brilliant light, and the sound of the perfect response. In the intense game battle,

the gunshot, skill sound and light burst simultaneously, let you immerse in it instantly. The intertexture of sound and

light, not only brings a shocking visual impact, but also strengthen the atmosphere of the game. Make the lighting

change along with the game progress or the music rhythm, further enhance the immersive feeling of the game

experience. Ignite your esports passion, let each battle become unforgettable audio-visual feast!

The light strip is soft and bends freely

No matter what shape the edge of your desktop is, it can easily fit, the perfect package. Its smooth and delicate surface,

not only feel comfortable, but also has excellent durability. Neither prolonged use nor frequent bending adjustments will

affect its performance or appearance. Such high-quality features make it an ideal choice for decorating the edge of your

desktop, adding unique charm to your esports space

Freely Control with ease

It provides a variety of convenient control methods to meet your different needs. You can use the APP to fine-tune the

lighting effects at any time, anywhere; also can use infrared remote control, a simple press, instant switch. Also support

third-party intelligent speaker control, just one command, lighting changes with your mind. Either way, you can easily

control the brilliant light, enjoy the extreme telesports experience

Your Smart Life, CL Present It

Let the intelligent light, into thousands of our homes

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