Bright – Practice the present and embrace the future

What kind of enterprise can draw customers to trust you?

What kind of enterprise can draw talents to gather you?

What kind of enterprise can lead the team to follow you?

What kind of enterprise can draw the market demand base evergreen?

I have been thinking about the fundamental life of the enterprise, which is my tireless source of motivation to think.
Today’s colorland is like a budding sapling that needs many gardeners to water, loosen the soil, fertilize, prune, deworm, weed… I believe that one day after the gardener’s careful care, we will grow a unique towering tree in the world.

Today’s bright languages are not one person’s bright languages, they are full of thousands of bright languages. We are not full languages or bright languages, we are simple dreamers who are good at working hard and pursuing dreams together. We have always woven a dream that is to help others realize their dreams so as to make our own dreams come true. Some people say: this dream is too broad, there is no limit; Some people say: this dream is too unrealistic, not practical; Some people say: this dream is impossible, there is no such selfless people in business; Some people say that this dream is too good to be followed. Yes, we are weaving a dream of co-growth, we are also weaving a dream of meeting customer needs, we are also weaving a dream of striver oriented; These dreams intersect with our laughter, with our sweet and sour, with our tears and sweat. These are the Colorans.

Every day when I look at the bright and hopeful smiling faces of Colorland people, I wonder what kind of enterprise they have in mind. Through practical exploration, the voice of Colorland people is very simple and pure: willing to contribute, willing to share, willing to be responsible, willing to work hard, and willing to innovate. Meeting the needs of customers is the only value of the existence of Bright Land, which is full of firm and contains sonorous Na shout value has always been inherited in Bright Land people. For Zhang Cailan to meet customer needs, we not only have to work hard, but we have to work hard and struggle, our struggle spirit in some people’s hearts is “abnormal”, is harsh, but if we are not “abnormal”, if we are not harsh, how can we meet customer needs anytime and anywhere? If we work nine to five, How can we stand out in the fierce competition? We can only make our customers feel at ease with long-term hard work, we can only make our customers feel at ease, we can only make our customers feel at ease, our customers need so much, we can only make our customers become strong with hard work.

The spirit of long-term hard work has led to a batch of outstanding talents, and outstanding talents are growing strongly in the field of Cailan. Our willingness to share is fully reflected in our continuous equity allocation, profit sharing, bonus points, salary output value, etc. Each dimension has the theory, practice and experience of the common output of Shengxin Group’s brave management innovation and cultural management. It is because practice is the only standard for testing truth, the existence of each truth is the spirit of Colorland daring to explore, pursue, innovate and share, and constantly achieve win-win with customers and teams. Only those who win can win the world.

Customer-centric is the driving force for us to move forward. We still have a long way to go from our weak consciousness to our customer-centric all-round thinking development. The collision of thinking and the alignment of values take time to test whether we can “celebrate winners and save losers”. And this belief has always supported me to make bold management innovation and process reform, how long can Cailan adhere to the customer as the center of this protracted war? This question is deeply engraved in my heart, and I have not analyzed this question thoroughly. Is the bright future possible? In the final conclusion, Cailan must adhere to the customer as the center, only to meet the needs of customers, Cailan can win the long-term war, Cailan “Hu plan” can be expected, Cailan “99+6” plan will be a great success.

Love is thousands of miles, kindness is thousands of miles, good is not the size, lies in the line. Cailan not only in the customer as the center to make a contribution, but also in the practice of “responsible” practice and practice, we advocate that every year to the hometown of outstanding cadres to carry out good deeds, good deeds also under the heaven. Our vision is to visit the hometown of cadres all over the country, as long as the cadres need Cailan, Cailan will return the strugglers with sincere actions, because Cailan is willing to be a true hero. Since the establishment of the Association in 2018, the warm-up stations have started in Shenzhen, Guangdong. In 2019, the first stop is Heyuan, Guangdong; in 2020, the second stop is Guigang, Guangxi and the third stop is Beihai; in 2021, the fourth stop is Yunnan and the fifth stop is Hunan; in 2022, the sixth stop is Jiangxi and the seventh stop is Hubei; in 2023, the eighth stop is started… Our dream has set sail, are you ready?

We should always be a person who knows how to be grateful and a person with feelings. Today, we would like to thank our customers for their support and trust, our people for their support and trust, our friends for their support and trust, all walks of life for their support and trust, and our brothers and sisters of the Group and subsidiaries for their support and trust. We must always keep in mind the original intention, do not forget the mission, to be an excellent enterprise leading the world smart home lighting.

The real crisis is not financial, but moral and religious
Who has more blessings, who carries more positive energy, and whose positive energy field is broader and more powerful. Keep company with the wise, walk with the good, cherish the people, do good in the world, the heart is strong, always better than the appearance of the flashy, love yourself the best way, help others to achieve themselves.

Keep pace with The Times and embrace the future.

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